Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mega Man goes through Puberty

Here's my grumpy teeny Mega dude!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big Bad Robot Boss

The Grande Finale Robot Boss made of gold stuff.


This one is titled Akai-Luna. Just a robot.

Here is one of my first finals from my summer class. I tried to do something new that i haven't done before. Never really got into cowboys but thought i would give it a shot. This is Shierff Roy Dodgers a corrupted shierff of a small town called Meegersville.

Welcome to the Kingdom of Kwondom

Welcome to the Kingdom of Kwondom. I am your host Denny, and this is my domain in which i shall use to show off my stuffs that comes oozing out of my ears. Anyways I hope to get some attention possibly by some future employers heh. Well enough with the chit chat onwards to my drawings!